
simple clojure-based http monitoring tool

View the Project on GitHub SupplyFrame/grunf

grunf 0.2.10 (Alpha)

(simple clojure-based http monitoring tool)


  1. Clone the project to your target machine git clone

  2. Install leiningen if you don't have it on your target machine. you can either

    1. Use the package manager to install it, ex sudo apt-get install leiningen
    2. Download the script and put it in your path (ie. /usr/local/bin), then chmod 755 ~/usr/local/bin/lein.
  3. In the grunf source code directory, run lein deps to install all the dependency libraries.

  4. Checkout graphite setup guide on our wiki!


read config file and log in console.

lein run --log-level info --config conf.example.clj

Send events to graphite

lein run --config conf.example.clj --graphite-host localhost

Log in file logs/foo.log. Note lein trampoline let you send lein process to background without pausing the program.

mkdir logs
lein trampoline run --log logs/foo.log -c conf.example.clj &
tail -f logs/foo.log

Read smtp config, will send mails when receive error

lein run -c conf.example.clj -s smtp.example.clj

export csv in logs/bar.csv

lein run -c conf.example.clj --csv logs/bar.csv

Command line options

The command line options for grunf are:


 Switches               Default  Desc
 --------               -------  ----
 -c, --config                    Path to the config file
 --log                           log path for log4j. If not specified, log to console 
 --log-level            debug    log level for log4j, (fatal|error|warn|info|debug)
 --graphite-host                 Graphite server host
 --graphite-port        2003     Graphite server port
 --hostname     This server's hostname
 --csv                             csv log path
 --interval             60000      Default interval for each url request
 --user-agent           Grunf      Default user agent string
 --timeout              6000       Default timeout per request
 -s, --smtp-config                 Path to smtp config file 
 -h, --no-help, --help  false    Print this message

Configuration files format

The configuration file format for conf.example.clj is

[{:url ""
  :interval 1000                      ;; optional
  :validator #(re-find #"yahoo" %)    ;; optional
  :http-options {:timeout 2000        ;; :http-options itself is also optional 
                 :user-agent "Mozilla"}
  :graphite-ns ""        ;; defualt to reverse domain name
  {:url ""
   :name "search"                     ;; append to graphite namespace
                                      ;; in this case it would be
                                      ;; ""
  }      ;; only url is required

The smtp configuration file for smtp.example.clj is

^{:host ""
  :user ""
  :pass "password"
  :port 1234
  :tls true
{:from ""
 :to ["" ""]
 :subject "Will be overwirtten by grunf!"
 :body "Will be overwritten by grunf!"

For full documentaion of SMTP setup, please visit postal -- internet email library for clojure.

Output format


The CSV fields are

HH:MM:ss,SSS,*log type*,*http status*,*url*,*response time (milliseconds)*


This tool is still in experimental status, but all the example configs should work just fine.


  1. Refactor to make it testable (and more funtional idiomatic).

  2. Tutorial of writing verification in configuration file.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.